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Pet Lovers Celebrate!

Fresh Start offers Complete Pet Hair Removal Packages

What’s cute, friendly, the best companion ever, but has no qualms about leaving behind their furry coat all over the the beautiful interior of your car? Yes, you guessed it…

Golden Retriever pet hair about to shed in car

That’s why Fresh Start offers thorough and complete pet hair removal solutions for the interior of your car.

We use a variety of different sized pet hair-specific brushes along with our 125 PSI air compressor to release and gather the stubborn hair into one spot and then dispose of it. Unfortunately, a vacuum alone is not enough. Even a 5+ horsepower vacuum will not be able to separate the hair that becomes entwined in the carpet. Sad, we know.

At Fresh Start, we see many cases of pet hair and know the tricks to getting it out for you! All of our Fresh Start interior or full premium details come with light pet hair removal. If you have extra pet hair you would like removed, just ask and we can add it onto your service for a nominal cost. Talk to your Auto Detail Professional when we’re on site and we will be happy to look at the best option for you!

Fresh Start Mobile Auto Detail is St. Louis West County’s choice for premium mobile detailing. We bring engineered detailing service to your home. Book your appointment online today!

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